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Sátão's Eurovision Song Contest


Quem somos

Hey there,

We are three students from a Portuguese school in Sátão, Viseu. We are two boys and a girl and we are in the 12th grade.

This year we will be working in an European Studies Project with a School from Norway, Republic of Ireland, Northen Ireland and France .

Our team is named Rampardos and our names are Jorge, Rafael and Soraia. Jorge is seventeen years old and he uses too practice bodybuilding and ride bikes. Rafael is eighteen years old and he is a mistery. Soraia Maria is eighteen years old and she loves clothes, boys,music and to paint her nails.

Our project will be based on the european union cultures and their diferences. We want to build a web site about it and some newspaper articles.

Sátão is a wonderful village in Portugal, you can see for yourself at

Viseu is actually considered the city with the best life style of all country. You can  know more about our school here We hope you'll enjoy our project ideas.





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